Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Main objective of this documentation is comprehensively analyzing 2013,2014,2015,2016 & 2017 financial annual reports of DANKOTUWA PORCELAIN PLC for get the clear idea about the existing financial position of DANKOTUWA PORCELAIN PLC . I have focused on mainly following major techniques
·         Horizontal Analysis
·         Vertical Analysis.
·         Ratio Analysis

Horizontal analysis is the comparison of historical financial information over a series of reporting periods, or of the ratios derived from this financial information. The intent is to see if any numbers are unusually high or low in comparison to the information for bracketing periods, which may then trigger a detailed investigation of the reason for the difference. The analysis is most commonly a simple grouping of information that is sorted by period, but the numbers in each succeeding period can also be expressed as a percentage of the amount in the baseline year, with the baseline amount being listed as 100%.

·         Trend Analysis of the Income Statement
·         Trend Analysis of the Balance sheet

A common problem with horizontal analysis is that the aggregation of information in the financial statements may have changed over time, due to ongoing changes in the chart of accounts, so that revenues, expenses, assets, or liabilities may shift between different accounts and therefore appear to cause variances when comparing account balances from one period to the next.

Elements of Income statements have been analyzed for the past five years and for the purpose of comparing them, trends have been plotted in the same graph. Here the base year was taken as 2013.

(1).A. Income Statement Trend Analysis on Revenue Perspective

When comparing to base year always gross profit going down to till 2015, but in 2016 it goes up and 2017 it came down, although it is not beyond the base line.

Analyze this according to the base year, over the year wise current assets went up small amount and Total non-current asset went up in high amount. Hence both were in up and Total Assets also came up. So both current and non-current assets are equally important for the company. While current assets are involved and used for ready income-generation, non-current assets are generally involved with profit generation.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

University Graduate Evaluation Bureau (UGEB)

Dear Facebook friends,

I have idea to formed the organization which is evaluating University graduates before applying jobs. It looks like credit information Bureau (CRIB). This is called University Graduate Evaluation Bureau (UGEB). This involves highly academics and Leading private sector CEOs. The main objective is to evaluate the university graduates in the period of 3 or 4 years in the university system, what they have done ethically and unethical behaviors only, This is not connected with their academic and professional work. Mainly, in the undergraduate period, how they have behave , specially, ragging  , hurts students, many students leaving because of senior students threating, plan to demotivate new students, seniors use first year students to attack first year students (now, this is happing University of Colombo, Faculty of arts) First years are making hurts to first year same students. Such a thing is violation of human rights.
UGEB is very strong organization; we provide recommendation to the corporate sector, government sector about character of the graduates in their undergraduate period.  This is no political organization, especially, we evaluate ethical and unethical activities which undergraduate carried out in his or her study period, specially ragging and hurting students.
This is current requirement to protect local university system because many bright students who comes to Colombo university, they are leaving without studying, existing senior students make ragging and dividing students village group and town group, make them unpleasant, fear and fighting environment to the new students than make peaceful study environment. .
I am going to form this , and UGEB is excellent organization giving independent recommendation to the undergraduates, we have very strong data base about seniors who make ragging and unethical inconveniences to the students. This is timely needed and Based on our recommendations, ( it is blindly review, confidential one), Corporate sector and government sector higher managers can make decision whether recruit them or dismiss them. We can give any particular moment letter of past activities about the students, it will be important to make future decision about their job, university system cannot stop ragging, having this kind of organization will be strong enough to stop bad practices in university system, this will help to stop ragging in future and it will lead to ragging students future and in their job, even though unethical students cannot live in the society. Not allow to do self-job even. UGEB will inform all networks and make aware of such student’s back ground, It will make them future in locally and globally.
This idea can be implemented easily based on the No 20 of  1998  Ragging And Other Forms Of Violence In Educational Institutions Act (No. 20 of 1998).

Prof.Kennedy D Gunawardana
University of Sri Jayewardenepura,


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Study of Relationships Between Disclose Practice of Remuneration Committee Report and Company Performances in Selected Banking and Finance Industry.


Recruitment, management and providing direction within the banking and finance industry are what the Human Resource Management key functions.
Human Resources Management deals with issues such as hiring, organizational development, performance management, wellness, benefits, safety, motivation, training, communication and etc in the banking and finance industry. This is also a strategic approach in managing people within a work place and to make them get adapted to the work place culture and environment. This enables the employees to work effectively with productivity which helps the overall accomplishment of the company direction involving goals and objectives. The new role of Human Resources Management involves strategic direction to demonstrate value
In HRM the term “Psychological Contract” was used in early 1960s and became more popular after 1990s. This increased the relationship between the employee and the employer of the organization. This was renowned from the legal contract of employment. Looking at the reality of the situation was also being done by the psychological contract. This directly affects the employees’ behavior from day to day. Psychological Contract tells the employees what is required and expected from their job.
In Sri Lanka there are a few financial institutions namely, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Licensed specialized banks, licensed commercial banks, specialized leasing companies, pension and provident funds and etc. This facilitates payments and settlements associated with real sector transactions. Stability of the above depends on the changes of both internal and external changes. Financial system is a legal framework related with the financial infrastructure.
Problem Statement
What types of relationships arises between disclose practice with remuneration committee report and company performances.
Problem Justifications
The value of any approach to HRM control can be augmented or diminished by simultaneously matching the HRM to the type of business strategy.
In society and Human Resources Management the popular used theoretical model is the behavioral perspective. In the above the theory focuses on the employee behavior between the strategy and firm performance. The purpose is to extract and control employee attitudes and behaviors. These differences are being required by the organization’s strategy. What HRM does is to obtain and reinforce those behaviors.
Example: According to, Schuler and Jackson’s (1987) connecting the practices with competitive strategies where the behaviors differ such as repeating and innovation behavior, Taking high and low risks and flexible and nonflexible  to change.
According to (Wright and McMahan, 1992), there are three types of behavioral perspectives.
ONE: The hypothesized role behaviors required by different strategies.
SECOND: Focusing on the different types of HRM practices and how effective in including these role behavior.
THIRD: The theory of the behavioral perspective is that strategies which directs to employee role behaviors to a number of outcomes to provide benefits to the firm. This could used to regulate performance.
       Find out the existing trends in disclose practices of remuneration committee report and company performances in the banking and finance industry.
       To find out the relationships between disclose practices of remuneration committee report and company performances.

Significance of the study

After justifying the opinions in the representing facts above the importance of this study will be going to the stake holders, employees of the finance and the banking sector and the end users of the finance and banking industry.

Scope of the study

To achieve the objectives above, a research in finding the relationship between business strategy and the performances of the in banking and finance sector should be kept in limits by the HRM control.
The control systems which are used by the banking and finance industry to be sustain in the industry. Limited to selected Colombo stock market listed banks.

Literature Review

Business Strategy

A strategy is a set of commitments and actions to develop competencies and to gain a competitive advantage.(Slevin and Covin,1997). Business strategy is designed to give out to gain a competitive advantage by providing value to customers by developing specific individual competencies (Dess et al., 1995)

Relating to the competitors of the firm the business strategies are made (Porter, 1985), and also positioned in favor of the competitive advantage of the industry competition. According to Miles and Snow’s (1984), types of business strategy, it involves defenders, prospectors and analyzers. As mentioned in classified strategies (Porter, 1985) into three common types cost leadership, differentiation and focus. But Schuler and Jackson (1987) implied differently from Porter where business strategy stated in three types; Cost reduction, innovation and quality enhancement.

Strategy Performance

Cost reduction involves by enhancing the competitiveness by lowering the prices of the services and the products involved (Schuler and Jackson, 1987). This method helps in order to increase the product efficiency and to deduct expenses. By adopting new technological skills to the banking and the finance industry, expand and upgrade the scale of production. Finally the firm could sell services and products at a lower cost.
Innovation strategy is where unique or different products and services than the competitors come into the market. Product or the service being better quality is the success of quality enhancement.

HRM control

Research in SHRM literature (Society of Human Recourses Management), the most popular theoretical models used is from the behavioral perspective (Jackson et al., 1989; Schuler and Jackson, 1987). The employee behavior is being focused between firm performance and strategy. Variety of HRM practices are being used to control employee attitudes and also behaviors.
I.e.: Model of Schuler and Jackson’s (1987) links HRM practices with strategies. (Innovation quality-enhancement, and cost-reduction)

The Research of the behavioral perspective and threefold (Wright and McMahan, 1992), hypothesized role behaviors are specified by different strategies. Then the types of HRM practices. Finally, assumption of the behavioral perspective leads to HRM practices. Control perception is constant with behavior perspective.

The process which helps to support the individuals’ actions with the interests of the firm is called control (Tannenbaum, 1968). According to the work of Snell (1992) Snell and Youndt (1995), it’s main focus is on technical methods. This is not being used at the formal HRM practices such as training, rewards, performance appraisal and etc. The above study is connected to the control systems. It could be combined into three control systems:
       Behavior control
       Input control
       Output control
According to Snell and Youndt (1995, p. 713), responsibilities are fixed and compulsory for actions and methods. Employees are responsible for their actions. Performance appraisals are based on the head of department observation of behavior. The feedback form is used and the corrective tool. This means behavior control. Reliability and efficiency are one of the main issues HRM focuses to regulate (Ouchi, 1978; Ouchi and Maguire, 1975). As long as the job environment is stable the behavior control stays effective.
According to agency theory, behavior based contract is most favorable when the behavior of the representative is observed. Above is a simple scenario of complete information. Due to incomplete information the outcome may differ. Performance in HRM rooted on behavior control where it is positively related to the performance and the knowledge of the firm complete (Snell and Youndt, 1995)

Input control means “rigorous selection and training that help to socialize employees to ensure they have requisite abilities as well as understand and internalize the values and goals to the organization. In this way they are likely to act in the interest of the firm on their own (Snell and Youndt, 1995).” This helps to create goals and to compare within the firm employees who need necessary requirements from the firm. Performance goes higher when the approach to HRM is through input control (Snell and Youndt, 1995).
Output control means to “mutually set performance targets. Subordinate performance appraisals are based on the results they achieve, and monetary rewards are closely linked to performance outcomes (Snell and Youndt, 1995).” Reaching to the firm’s targets combining the personal interests gives the employee a good judgment which would finally benefit the firm (Kerr, 1985).  Due to this reason the firm goals can be specified the control system and also it would help to obtain the firm performances.
Investigation Methodology
This document has been complied according to the journal articles and annual reports of selected banks such as Commercial Bank, Seylan Bank and Hatton National Bank from the year 2008 to 2012 (5 years) related to the relationship between disclose practice of remuneration committee report and company performance.


Main objective of this documentation is comprehensively analyzing 2013,2014,2015,2016 & 2017 financial annual reports of DANKOTUWA PO...